ADHD in the Inclusive Classroom Podcast

July 2, 2012

This past Friday I was the guest on The Inclusive Class Podcast (Blog Talk Radio). I was interviewed about how to help students with ADHD succeed in general education classrooms. As I live in California, I was up and ready early that morning for the show (which is 6:00 a.m. Pacific Coast time). For some reason, there was a technical glitch with my call-in to the show and getting connected to speak with Terri Mauro and Nicole Eredics (the wonderful co-hosts). This is one of those occasions when you try to stay calm, not panic, and ‘go with the flow’. Poor Nicole and Terri were doing an amazing job of filling the air time for 15 minutes chatting – while I repeatedly and unsuccessfully tried calling in for the interview. We were emailing back and forth during this time, as well, trying to figure out what to do. Then, Nicole & Terri figured out an alternative method of getting me connected, and we managed to do a 3-way conference call that worked. Hooray!!! To hear the show, click here: . The part where I’m on air and speaking with Terri and Nicole (the Q & A) begins at around 15 ½ minutes into the show.

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